Rektor Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar Prof Dr I Wayan "Kun" Adnyana bersama Kepala Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Bali Jamaruli Manihuruk menandatangani Nota Kesepahaman (MoU) terkait perlindungan dan pemanfaatan kekayaan intelektual.
"Selanjutnya dari MoU ini akan dijadikan dasar untuk membuat perjanjian kerja sama dalam pembentukan unit pelayanan sentra kekayaan intelektual," kata Kepala Kanwil Kemenkumham Bali Jamaruli Manihuruk di Denpasar, Selasa.
Penandatanganan MoU tersebut dilaksanakan di sela-sela kegiatan promosi dan diseminasi kekayaan intelektual paten pada wilayah Provinsi Bali yang bertajuk "Paten dan Komersialnya".
Saat ini sudah terbentuk 13 unit pelayanan sentra kekayaan intelektual yang bersekretariat pada organisasi perangkat daerah (OPD), perguruan tinggi negeri maupun swasta di seluruh kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Bali.
"Kami berterima kasih ISI Denpasar telah ikut berpartisipasi dalam pembentukan sentra kekayaan intelektual, untuk menjaring dan melindungi kekayaan intelektual, khususnya di wilayah Provinsi Bali, yang berdaya guna dan bernilai ekonomi tinggi," katanya.
Pihaknya berharap kreator-kreator yang ada di Provinsi Bali dapat mendaftarkan karya-karya mereka untuk dilindungi agar tidak diklaim oleh orang lain.
"Kami yakin mahasiswa yang tergabung di setiap kampus mempunyai kemampuan tinggi dalam menghasilkan karya yang memiliki potensi kekayaan intelektual," ujarnya.
Sementara itu, Rektor ISI Denpasar Prof Dr I Wayan "Kun" Adnyana mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Kepala Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Bali beserta jajaran atas pelaksanaan penandatanganan kesepahaman (MoU) itu untuk membentuk sentra kekayaan intelektual pada Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar.
ISI Denpasar merupakan lembaga pendidikan tinggi bidang seni kreatif yang memiliki 14 program studi, baik dalam seni pertunjukan, seni rupa dan desain.
"Tentunya ini berpeluang melahirkan karya-karya yang bersifat invensi dan inovatif yang memiliki potensi ekonomi," ujarnya.
Kun Adnyana berharap dengan kerja sama tersebut dapat memotivasi anak didik maupun para dosen untuk lebih kreatif dan bisa mengembangkan ekonomi kreatif di Provinsi Bali.
The Rector of the Indonesian Institute of the Arts Denpasar Prof. Dr. I Wayan "Kun" Adnyana with the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Bali Jamaruli Manihuruk signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) related to the protection and use of intellectual property. "Furthermore, this MoU will be used as the basis for making a cooperation agreement in the establishment of an intellectual property center service unit," said Head of the Bali Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office Jamaruli Manihuruk in Denpasar, Tuesday. The signing of the MoU has been held in between during the promotion and dissemination activities of patent intellectual property in the province of Bali, entitled "Patents and Their Commercial". Currently, 13 intellectual property center service units have been formed with secretariats in regional apparatus organizations (OPD), state and private universities in all regencies/cities in Bali Province. "We are grateful that ISI Denpasar has participated in the establishment of intellectual property centers, to capture and protect intellectual property, especially in the area of Bali Province, which is efficient and has high economic value," he said. He hopes that the Bali province creators could register so that their works are protected and it will not be claimed by others. "We believe that students who are members of each campus have high abilities in producing works with intellectual property potential," he said. Meanwhile, the Rector of ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan "Kun" Adnyana, thanked the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Bali and his staff for the signing of the MoU to establish an intellectual property center at the Indonesian Arts Institute Denpasar. ISI Denpasar is a higher education institution in the field of creative arts that has 14 study programs, both in performing arts, fine arts and design. "Of course this has a big opportunity to produce works that are inventive and innovative which have an economic potential," he said. Kun Adnyana hopes that this collaboration will motivate students and lecturers to be more creative and it also can develop the creative economy in Bali Province.